Whaea Debb came in to class today looking like a drowned rat. It was pouring with rain and she was caught in the sudden torrent when she stepped out of her car. When she came in she noticed that we were busy doing our free writing. She came around to each table and said hello, and asked what we were doing.
"Free writing" most of us replied.
"Not free drawing" some others also said.
"Why do you do free writing?" she inquired.
That is where is became apparent that we didn't really know. So that's when we did a brainstorm about it.
We talked about why we do free writing. We had lots of ideas which were almost right, but we couldn't quite get it. Then we were reminded about practicing. We practice our writing so we get better at it! Just like if we play sports, or play a musical instrument, we need to practice to get better.
We talked about the who, what, where, when and how as well. We also mentioned to Whaea Debb about how we organise our ideas into first, then, next and last. We often use resources from our classroom to help us if we get stuck. We can look around and find charts and posters to remind us how to spell a difficult word, and we can use the writing rubric to guide our writing to make improvements.
Next week we are going to read this blog post (written by Whaea Debb) together, and refer to the writing rubric to see if we can help her writing improve.

"Free writing" most of us replied.
"Not free drawing" some others also said.
"Why do you do free writing?" she inquired.
That is where is became apparent that we didn't really know. So that's when we did a brainstorm about it.
We talked about why we do free writing. We had lots of ideas which were almost right, but we couldn't quite get it. Then we were reminded about practicing. We practice our writing so we get better at it! Just like if we play sports, or play a musical instrument, we need to practice to get better.
We talked about the who, what, where, when and how as well. We also mentioned to Whaea Debb about how we organise our ideas into first, then, next and last. We often use resources from our classroom to help us if we get stuck. We can look around and find charts and posters to remind us how to spell a difficult word, and we can use the writing rubric to guide our writing to make improvements.
Next week we are going to read this blog post (written by Whaea Debb) together, and refer to the writing rubric to see if we can help her writing improve.

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