Haerenga ki Opua...

Ngahiraka te waka...

Ngā Rau Tipuranga along with our whole kura were able to visit the waka 'Ngahiraka' out at Opua. It started off with a mihimihi and a kōrero about what we would be experiencing during or visit there.

Our tamariki lining up getting ready to board the waka.

Here we are sitting on board the waka listening to stories about her voyages and how she was built and her purpose, and most importantly who she was named after.

Our tamariki having a go at tying a knot to bind the rudder in place.

Listening to stories about Ngahiraka's many voyages.

    Learning the tikanga of the 'hoe'

Playing a game of 'pukana' with some of the kaiarahi of the day.

What a great day and learning experience for our kura.
